Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ticket To Ride

I live in FL, so I am luckily surrounded by fun amusement parks. My friend, Grace, and I went to our favorite park last week. While riding one ride we met this hilarious lady. She was in her mid-twenties and made my friend and I crack up. Now, that was last Wednesday. This Wednesday, Grace, Rose(previously mentioned), and I went back to the park. While waiting in line for our favorite roller coaster, Grace swore she saw the same lady from last week. None of us thought it was possible, and agreed that it must have been someone that looked like her.

After the roller coaster, we went to ride Phoenix (The ride where we met the lady the week prior.) As we boarded the ride, guess who is sitting there? The hilarious lady! We were all shocked. There is like a one in a million chance that we would ever see that women again, and there she was. Then throughout the whole day, we spotted her EVERYWHERE we went.

One thing I love about going to amusement parks is that you can people watch. Little kids are the funniest. Their excitement and happiness always makes my day. I was watching a show at the park and the little girl next to my friend was super excited about seeing the characters in the show, so she started dancing. I'm not talking about just wiggling your body. This little four year old was rocking out. Shaking her head back and forth, throwing her arms in the air. She was hardcore. I couldn't help myself..I started to dance too. It was sooo much fun!

1 comment:

  1. That is so funny! And so crazy that you would see someone on a ride and then a week later ride the exact same ride with them agin.
